Local Composer launches New Music Marathon

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A team of talented local musicians, led by composer and flautist Elizabeth Kennedy Bayer, launch "oh my god, my body, my ears!" a 10-hour marathon concert celebrating new and daring music, Saturday, February 15th from 12-noon to 10pm at The Trunk Space in Phoenix. K-BACH's Jane Hilton chats with Elizabeth about the effort.

*Please Note Audio Correction: The Trunk Space is located at 1506 Grand Ave in Phoenix, (15th Ave and Grand Ave just south of Roosevelt, NOT 15th street)

Jared Nicodemus performing as ‘fthia’
Jenna Dalby (Cello)
Keith Kelly (saxophone)
Jennifer Waleczek (piano)
Jacob Adler
Rosabel Choi (piano)
Elizabeth Kennedy Bayer (flute)
Static Announcements (electro-acoustic free jazz)
David Wegehaupt (sax)

Doug Harbin

Elizabeth Kennedy Bayer
Terry Riley
Jacob Ter Veldhuis
Peter Ablinger
Jenn Kirby
Jeanette Wong
Evan Ziporyn
Brian Kelly
Alex Nohai-Seaman

Jason H Mitchell

Nicole Carroll

Dedicated audience members who attend the duration of the marathon will be awarded with a special "Marathon Concert Finisher":

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