Keep the Music Playing

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The Red Note Foundation is all about enhancing life with music. Red Note began when a father and daughter decided to continue the passion and humanity of their daughter and  sister, Kristen. K-Bach’s Sterling Beeaff sat down with Ken Hooker, the father and co-founder of the Red Note Foundation. Ken brought with him the journals of his daughter Kristen Hooker which are full of color, music and dreams…

The Red Note Foundation invites the community to show up and share in Canticles and Carols, Monday, November 30, 7pm at the Mesa Arts Center. A raffle will be held at 6:30 to support the Bassoon Program at Rosie’s House. Admission is free with a non-perishable food item. In addition, Red Note is currently hosting an instrument drive to support local school programs. Visit

-produced by Jane HIlton